Great app, with plain and useful exercises that I can mix in my training routine. Highly recommended.
Great app, with plain and useful exercises that I can mix in my training routine. Highly recommended.
Works perfectly in the car on the way to the gig. I also love the personal service I got from Arnold when I had trouble getting it for my itouch. For itouch one needs to install g3 software update other than the added cost for that, it has become my favorite app. Very simple yet effective. As a singer, one does not need complexity rather consistancy and working with a simple tool is just great!
I use it on my way to rehearsals and gigs. A great app, I recommend it.
This is one of the best apps Ive ever bought for my Iphone. Of course this is usefull stuff for singers so if youre performing ( or even just practicing at home ) buy this and youll have a portable vocal coach in your pocket... Recommended ;) Alessandro
I smile while Im using this app. It gives me an effective warm-up, while having a light quality that reminds me Im doing this because I love to sing. Id love the interval practices and would like to have more.
This is the best value in town... A series of private lessons from one of the most sought after singers on the planet!!!
This is the app Ive been waiting for! A practical warm-up that goes EVERYWHERE (the car, the bathroom, etc.). Very easy to use. AND, what a bonus to be instructed by one of the most amazing vocalists around. Thank you Mr. McCuller!!!
If all I got out of this application was the privilige to hear Arnold McCuller sing, it would have been well worth the small fee. Hes the best. It is, however, much more than that. VocalEase is a practical, creative, simple to use, and FUN way to learn the mechanics of vocalizing. After just a few trials, I have homogenized my vocal range and feel more comfortable in octaves I didnt even attempt to explore for fear of embarassment. Arnold keeps things easy to understand, light-hearted, and relaxed; concepts that dont normally apply to warm-up exercises. This app will appeal to both novice and expert alike. Thanks Arnold!
Any pro would know instantly that the info presented here is superficial, amateurish and incomplete. Pass on this app
I was enjoying the app, then I updated my operating system and the app does not work. I have tried to reload the program twice, and it still does not work. I am not happy.
Since my update the app wont even come on after even re downloading it. Why!?
I updated my phone and now it doesnt even open! This has to be fixed asap! Sure its just a set of vocal warm-ups but they do help. Ive been a soprano(highest part) in chamber choirs since I was 6yrs old. So having some vocal training with some of the best instructors/vocal coaches for about 13yrs now, I can easily say that this app does exactly what it says and is worth the purchase BUT IT NEEDS TO BE FIXED SO ITS FUNCTIONAL!
Downloaded it a week before iOS4 hit. Now it wont open at all. Fix this, guys!!! Oh, and please eliminate that damn opening note. ANNOYING!!!! FWIW, what I did hear the first week I had it was good (not great). Yes, as another reviewer mentioned, these warm-ups are standard fair, but they are a nice refresher course for veteran singers. And an amazing bargain for the non- trained vocalist. (Ever priced a professional vocal lesson?)
Buy this now! Bad reviews are probably from other lesser vocal app writers.
$5. Is nothing compared to what Ive paid for lessons! I love that I can warm up with it before getting on stage. I do more intense exercises as well but you always need the basics and I love it :-)
makes me happy to even think about doing the excercises
For being a musician, vocalist and a fan of Arnolds work I can honestly say this is one amazing tool. Incredibly easy to use and helpful before any performance, plus for $2 you cant beat the price! Get your download right now and support one of the most talented people out there!
Like runners, singers and speakers all need to stretch before they run. This app is creative and complete and gives you lots of options from warm-ups on the go to lengthier exercises to improve the strength and pitch of your voice overall. Plus, Arnold is an awesome dude.
More interval training please!!!!!
This is the only way I warmup when Im headed to a session or a gig. Thank you!